VITAGEN: Be Good to your Gut

Stressful workload and irregular meal hours many often lead to ingestion problems such as constant abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea or bloating due to skipping of meals or having them late.
Eating too much is also another common factor among most people in Singapore especially when we are surrounded by several temptations of food which acts as one of the main cause that put pressure on the digestive system.
In order to improve the digestive system and at the same time safeguard our gut, a bottle of VITAGEN Less Sugar (50 per cent less sugar as compared to other culture milk drinks) is essential in our daily routine. It combine the benefits of both prebiotics and probiotics. Besides the goodness of probiotic cultures (good bacteria), VITAGEN Less Sugar also has high fibre and it is completely fat-free for consumers who are concerned about sugar and calories intake.
Benefits of drinking VITAGEN:
1. Aid in digestion
2. Suppress growth of harmful bacteria
3. Improve gastrointestinal (intestines) health
4. Maintain a healthy digestive system
So be good to your gut on your next visit to the supermarket by picking up a VITAGEN for yourself or your loved ones.
VITAGEN Less Sugar is available in four different flavours: LB original, Grape, Apple and Peach, all of which are made from real fruit juice. You can easily grab your supply of VITAGEN from supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol kiosks, provision stores or even get it delivered directly to your doorstep.
VITAGEN Home Delivery Service* | Hotline: 62825949 | Delivery times: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm
* Available at major HDB housing estates